19 Oktober 2011

Final View

Eileen ( perpective view shaded and wired, right view shaded and wired, front view shaded and wired, Head shaded and wired)

Final Modelling

front view

perspective view

side view

Smooth Head
wireframe head

perspective wireframe

side wireframe

front wireframe

final progres yudistira tampak blkng

tampak belakang

final prgres yudistira tampak serong kanan

tampak 3/4

final progres yudistira tampak depan

tampak depan

finall progres yudiistira tampak atas

tampak atas

finall progres yudiistira

tampak samping kiri

full body color

full body color 3/4

Jessica Widjanarko Wilianto-final

smooth shaded mode - head and body

smooth shaded mode - head

head on progress

body on progress

wireframe mode - head and body

wireframe mode - head



kepala pundak

18 Oktober 2011

Vincentius Michael Sugiharto Soedarmadji

Solid (front,side,perspective), wire (perspective)

Wire(front,side) ,head wire 3/4,head solid 3/4

Kepala progress

3D character modelling

smooth shaded mode  (front-side-perspective)

wireframe mode (front-side-perspective)

3D Character's Head - smooth shaded mode (front-side)

3D Character's Head - wireframe mode (front-side)

3D Character's Head - smooth shaded mode and wireframe mode (3/4 view)

3D Modelling

Image Full Body 3D Character In Smooth Shaded Mode


Image Full Body 3D Character In Wire and Shaded Mode




Image Head of 3D Character In Smooth Shaded Mode

3/4 view

Image Head of 3D Character In Smooth Shaded Mode
3/4 view